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Senin, 26 April 2010

Review Haiku (Baca : Review Malas)

Gw follow di twitter. Di salah satu kesempatan, mereka ngetweet hashtag #reviewhaiku. Awalnya gw nggak ngerti, apa maksudnya review haiku. Apa maksud orang-orang pintar ini? Pengen mengeksklusifkan diri dari orang-orang bodoh yg menjadi followernya dengan menciptakan bahasa khusus?

Tapi setelah gw cermati lebih jauh, ternyata review haiku itu adalah review film yang singkat sekali. Biasanya hanya satu kalimat. Pas gw googling, ternyata kata "haiku" berasal dari Jepang. Udah. Gw cuma perlu informasi itu. Informasi bahwa review haiku itu berarti review singkat dan berasal dari Jepang saja udah memenuhi kapasitas otak gw. Apalagi kalo ditambah lagi dengan informasi lain, misalnya tanggal berapa Review Haiku ditemukan, bisa-bisa otot-otot kewanitaan gw mengejang,ngga kuat menahan beban pada otak.

Karena semangat menulis mulai mengendur, nggak ada salahnya ya sebagai appetizer gw membuat review haiku di blog ini. penuhnya nanti menyusul deh.

Ghost Writer
Behind every stupid-man-who-thinks-he-is-clever is a slithery woman(4/5)

How to Train Your Dragon

Cliche plot but a real good journey that after watching it you wanna go right away to Taman Lawang and buy your own Drag(on) Queen. (4/5)

The Road

Story about a father and his son in apocalypse era but no, it's not about that Irama clan's story pursuing their dangdut career! (3,5/5)

Alangkah Lucunya Negeri Ini

Wisata verbal dengan akting yang kadang banal kadang nakal untungnya seringnya natural (3,5/5)

Alice in Wonderland

I think i love WonderBra ad on TV Media more than this movie (2,5/5)


This time,it's not only about a virus which turns men into zombies but also about religion,preach,satan,posessed human being, and a deep-french-kiss-with-tongue between satan and human being (3/5)

Bangkok Traffic Love Story

Chicks and their best friend (read : gays) will love this Thailand romantic (silly) comedy (2,5/5)

Date Night

A wittier, funnier,and older version of Did You Hear About the Morgans but Thank God there's only plenty kissing scenes and there's no Making Love Scenes! Ohhhhh....Thank GOD!!! (3/5)

Shutter Island

This movie is worse than Pintu Terlarang in term there's no Leonardo Dicaprio nude scenes (3,5/5)

The Hurt Locker

Award Winning movie who kick Avatar blue ass but somehow, in term of "movie-watching experience",i love Avatar better. (4/10)

Hachiko, A dog Story

A tear jerker movie about a dog who's really loyal and beyond smart that i think it's an alien or titisan-Nyai-Dayang-Sumbi. (3/10)

Hachiko (Japan Version)

The original version of Hollywood Hachiko which is more realistic and tragic and the dog is more stupid than the Hollywood Hachiko (3/10)

Clash of The Titans

If there's no men-in-skirt-fighting-each-other scenes, i would have left this movie (2/10)

2 komentar:

Unknown mengatakan...

Ayo mari nge-review lagi dong!!semangat!!!i like ur reviews. :D

Unknown mengatakan...
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